2014 Godaddy: A dedicated server

Go daddy was started by Bob Parsons in 1997. He was a veteran in the U.S Marine Corps. Initially Parson’s company was known as Jomax technologies but later it was changed to go daddy inc. since 1997 till this current year go daddy has been serving millions rather billions of people who wish to start their own websites and promote their business. Go daddy gives them with domain names, commerce solutions and website builders. Go daddy is the largest hosting server all over the globe. It serves 9 facilities over the world. Iowa, California, Washington D.C, India, Colorado and Arizona are some of the areas to which its services are extended.
The exact function of go daddy is to present prospective businesses with domain names and websites so hat those businesses could be promoted effectively. Currently this corporation is the world’s largest web hosting server and it provides services 24/7 throughout the year. The go daddy team plays a vital role in making this corporation as it is. The go daddy team includes Bob parsons: founder, Blake Irving: chief executive, Scott Wagner: interim COO and president, Barb Rechtermen: senior executive vice president and chief marketing officer, Michael Zimmerman: executive vice president and chief financial officer, David Popowitz: senior vice president corporate development. Other than this go daddy has 3400 employees. All of these people work together as a unit regardless of their position or seat. By working together they ensure good quality work, efficiency, satisfaction of the customers and they ensure the success of their ever growing company.
Go daddy does not only work in the countries it serves but it also works for the humanity. It has performed charities for earthquake victims, flood victims, tsunami victims and hurricane victims. To this day go daddy has donated $1000003. 5 to the above mentioned victims of natural disasters. Moreover this company also works in creating awareness among the people about issues such as child abuse, child labor etc. so this company is not all bout money and awards and business it is also for the human race, for the development and protection of the humanity at a universal level.
Not only is go daddy appreciated by its customers it is also appreciated by the people who are well-informed about the working of this company. Go daddy has been presented many awards for its never-ending services. In 2014 go daddy has received the Gold Stevie Award for the best use of technology in customer services. It is definitely a great achievement. In 2011 it was awarded the SC magazine awards for the best security team. In 2014 again go daddy was awarded the valley’s healthiest employees reward for its healthy work force and the methods adopted by the company to maintain the health of the employees. In 2012 it achieved the Alfred .P Sloan award for flexibility in workplace and business excellence. In 2010, 2011 and 2012 this company won the readers choice award for web hosting by visual studio magazine. Three consecutive years, this award was presented to go daddy Inc. For 9 years from 2004 to 2012 go daddy was ranked as the valley’s best place to work in by the Phoenix business journal. For 7 years from 2006 to 2013 go daddy has been rated as the best domain registrar. From 2010 to 2012 it has been Arizona’s most admired company. Go daddy also won 3 marketing award in MarCom competition. Apart from all these there are countless other awards and credits for this company. To enumerate is a task next to impossible.